The Nan Gallagher Law Group’s attorneys are dedicated to the practice of collections law. We have constructed a comprehensive legal collection service representing a broad range of clients in the recovery of accounts receivables. Supported by a professional, courteous and experienced staff, The Nan Gallagher Law Group stands ready to supply creative, innovative and time saving approaches to your practice’s debt collection needs, including instances where patients have received and retained checks sent to them by their health insurance carriers to be signed over to you. Plus, having a law firm handle all collections for your practice from the outset may increase the likelihood of expedited recovery of proceeds for you. We offer a competitive percentage rate for fees for our collections services, which, in many instances, is less than that offered by medical billing and collections companies. Client satisfaction and service are paramount to our Firm’s practice. We also maintain a network of attorneys throughout the country to serve all of our clients’ debt collection needs.
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